31 January, 2013

A pre-season update

I know I have been rubbish recently with posting anything; I’m sorry! My excuses are that I’ve been training pretty hard, playing in the snow and getting distracted by this little chap (Alfie).

Yeah that's right, snow dog!

Snow dog with a tasty head (Alf is a cannibal apparently).

The good news is that I’ve finally finished Sheddy! I put the final few slats on the other day so other than paint, of which she definitely needs a lick, she’s good to go. She’s already functioning pretty well as a turbo training dungeon (and has been for a while now!) as well as a tool and bike store. I’m a seriously proud Daddy, so below are some snaps of her growing up (so fast, sob).

The path is the next job on the list, as a muddy track isn't a garden design choice! The snow did get in the way a bit though...

In other news, I went down to see the big boss man JB at TrainSharp for a catch up, to set season targets and to discuss some ideas. It was a good day out with Paul and Sean there too. I got out on the bike for a little ride to do a hill test for Sean and he seemed pretty pleased with how it went. Nothing like having Sean Yates following in a team car to make you go deep in a max test!

Once the torture was over we headed back and checked over my TT position, before my first test on Sunday in the Southdowns 34k TT. We discussed what we did right last year, what we can learn and what my goals are for this year. It was a very busy and constructive day all round. Now I can't wait to get stuck into my targets!

I've booked my Ferry to St Malo for Monday the 11th so that's when I'm off to race again: very exciting times! I will definitely do another post before I leave to share a few of my targets for the year and what I'm really looking forward to. 

Until then...

14 January, 2013

Note to self: What I would tell the me of Yesteryear

On a long ride the other day I was thinking about what I learnt last season. It's always important to try and progress from past experiences and mistakes so here's my attempt. Hopefully I can take my own advice this season and be the better for it.

1) Don't roll up your shorts another inch, they're pretty high as it is and that extra inch is just too far!

2) Plan a mid season break now. You're going to crack mid season; you know you are because you always do, so make sure you've got something good to look forward to.

3) Don't bother taking a training bike, loads of clothes and other junk with you.You'll immediately break the bike and never bother to fix it and when not in lycra you'll resort to wearing awful holey undervests and boxers anyway!

4) Before every race be prepared to hit the deck, get ready for it. There's no point in being scared of it because it's going to happen, may as well be blasé!

5) Sleep more. Eat more. Stretch more.

6) Take lots of books to read and try and get some time to yourself as this might slow the rate of mental decline.

7) If in doubt take a pack lunch; motorway services are rubbish!

8) You're racing in Belgium. BELGIUM. You will need to buy a rain cape. (This will still apply this year because I'm certain Bretagne is just as wet as Belgium!)

9) Facebook is not a hobby so stop scrolling down endlessly and do something useful you bum.