This last week has been a jam-packed one for my social life! Last night Sam and I went next door to the landlady's place for cidre (so French darling) and some canapes; yes I tried foie gras, no I didn't really like it! It was quite a pleasant evening despite our mutual dread during the preceding days, mostly centered around the fact that we hadn't paid the rent on time. She was very nice about it though and so we both, obligingly, did our best to demolish the spread. The lemon macarons were off the chart amazing.
In other news, I'm back training properly and the weather has been very good to us over here in the last week. I've managed to get some semblance of a tan again in the past few days whilst clocking up the kilometres which is always a big bonus. I've been doing a few more hours this week, partly to regain some fitness after my five days off the bike and partly to build up for a target I'm looking forward to: the National Road Race (capitals required, as it's a beast). Having been crap at this event for the past few years I'd quite like to do well this time around, so I'm working on the endurance for that purpose.
Weather: good. Beaches: great.
This weekend I thought I was racing an Elite National today (as it says on the calendar) although it seems that due to unforeseen (by me) circumstances I was not. I will be racing tomorrow though which I'm really excited about as I haven't pinned a number on in two weeks now, which when you're a full time cyclist feels like an age! Just to finish off by feeding my ego a little here's an article on Velo Veritas about me. All the best everyone.
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